Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Better late than never, or so they say. I've finally taken the time to create a blog - at the urging of my friends and family. Hopefully no one will hold me to keeping it regularly updated because that would require photo taking as well as a creative mind. And, we all know that I don't do photos and definitely am a bit shallow with creativity.

Let me introduce the most famous and favorite member of "my family" - HARLEY! And, here is HARLEY on a Harley.

HARLEY is my almost 7 year old miniature toy poodle. She loves people, especially children or anyone that will play ball with her, and treats.

She also loves her little friend Bailey, who lives with us in our home. He too is a little miniature toy poodle but he is Black and obviously, he is a boy. HARLEY is the life of all gatherings and if she isn't the center of attention, then she will create a scene in which she becomes the center of attention. She is the cutest dog on the face of the earth and I love her dearly!!!


Cin's Fam said...

Hey Vic, I love this page! You are the best! I could never in a million million years ever pay you back for being such an amazing friend to me and my family. We love you.

Cin, Brooke and Lond, Nate and Trav

6 P's in a Pod said...

Hey, those are two good lookin' Harley's!!!!
I love you guys, both!

6 P's in a Pod said...

I have a request...Please post some pictures of Harley and Bailey together. That would be c-c-c-ute!

6 P's in a Pod said...

I have a request...
Please post some pictures of Harley and Bailey together. That would be c-c-c-ute!!

6 P's in a Pod said...

Opps-I just left two of the same comments because I failed to read the note that comment moderation has been enabled. Sorry!