Mother, Vern and I just returned from a wonderful time in San Diego. I was recuperating from my neck surgery and what a great place to do so. I absolutely love spending time away with my Mother and Vern. We have such fun together. They had received information from friends on several City tours that we may want to check out, activities where all I had to do was SIT. We took the San Diego Old Town Trolley tour. It took us close to an entire day but we saw just about every single major and minor site in San Diego and Coronado. It was fabulous and I'd recommend it to anyone visiting San Diego. You don't have to make it take all day, the actual riding tour is 2 hours, start to finish.
One of the most marvelous sites we were privileged to see was the San Diego Temple. It is awe - amazing. I've driven past this Temple in the past but there was something much different for me when I was able to stand and quietly just look at this marvelous building, with my Mother and Step-Father. Truly a WOW - moment.
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