Tuesday, February 5, 2008

To heck with the BIRDS & the BEES - what am I eating?

So,  my friend Cindy was telling me a story that just about kept me laughing for hours.   I just have to post it, 'cause it is so cute.  Hopefully Nate, Cindy's son won't see my blog and read about himself here.  Anyway,  Cindy had the opportunity to have a heart to heart with her son Nate.  Nate is 8, heading to 9.  She told him that he could ask her ANYTHING he wanted to and she would answer with complete honesty - you know, wouldn't give him the wait until you are older response, or you wouldn't understand, she would just give him the facts.  So, he sat there and thought and thought.  Of course, Cindy was expecting one of the "birds and the bees" type questions or some other difficult question.  After a few minutes of thinking, now keep in mind, Nate is a little brainiac, he finally had his question.  Mom he said, "how come you always fix hamburger helper for dinner?"

He is so cute and obviously, very innocent - today any way.  Cindy got away easy this time but just wait until the next time!!!  Now, just when you thought I was done with this story.........there is more.  Cindy went on to ask Nate what he and his friends talked about at recess and lunch time?  Again, hoping to have a "conversation" with him and giving him every opportunity to ask the tough questions.  He said, "we quiz each other on multiplication tables."  Of course, Cindy had to ask why that is what they talked about and didn't they ever talk about girls and he said - "well Mom no, we don't talk about girls, we have to practice our multiplication tables so that we get faster."  What a great kid!!!!


Unknown said...

Most days I would love to be Amish and just live pure and free of the worries of this society. They really are a wise people.

brit said...

That story really is so cute! I hope that Becks is still that innocent at that age. But with his dad & Uncle Breck I'm not counting on it!

6 P's in a Pod said...

I made Hamburger Helper last night and couldn't stop smiling the entire time I was preparing it...